5 Horribly Unlikeable Book Characters

So you hear about a great book and can’t wait to read it, only to find out that you hate one of the characters! Horribly unlikeable book characters are a real issue sometimes. Argh, what is one to do? I consider myself very character driven, so this happens to me a lot. :/ I could literally write a huge list, but I’ll try to stick to 5! #1 EDWARD CULLEN Let’s start with a fang! Read more

Exploring the Feminist Potential in the Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness was first published in 1899 and while it remains one of Joseph Conrad’s most celebrated works, it has also attracted its fair share of criticism and controversy due to the way that it depicts its female characters. This article will explore more on how the author’s portrayal of women, both black and white, can be seen as a potential form of feminist commentary on colonialism and its negative effects on Read more

10 Mystery Books that Defied Expectations: A Journey of Surprises and Enthralling Twists

As avid readers, we often enter the realm of mystery books with certain expectations. Some books fulfill those expectations perfectly, while others take us on unexpected journeys that challenge our preconceived notions. In this blog post, we explore ten mystery books that defied our expectations in thrilling and captivating ways. Whether they surprised us with unexpected brilliance, deviated from the genres we thought we knew, or defied traditional conventions, these books have left a lasting Read more

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